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Transplant News Articles

St. Luke's Episcopal Health System

Published:  October 25, 2011


John A. Goss, MD, surgical director of the Liver Transplant Program at St. Luke’s Cooley Transplant Center® and associate chief of transplant service at St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital, is among the Houstonians featured in HOUSTON 175 PEOPLE: CONTEMPORARY PHOTOGRAPHERS LOOKING AT HOUSTON. In recognition of Houston’s 175th birthday, photographers celebrate the people of Houston by exploring the cultures, sub-cultures, interest groups and leaders that make up the diverse fabric of our city. Photographer Frank White highlights Houston’s unsung leaders, one of whom is Dr. Goss. Curated by FotoFest and Houston Center for Photography, HOUSTON 175 PEOPLE: CONTEMPORARY PHOTOGRAPHERS LOOKING AT HOUSTON is on display at One and Two Allen Center, located at 1200 Smith Street in Downtown Houston, weekdays from 7 a.m. until 6 p.m. through December 2.  

Individuals featured in the exhibit are well-known in their area of expertise, but relatively unknown to the general public. Nominated through an acquaintance, White selected Dr. Goss because of the integrity Goss brings to his work rather than the accolades that come with it.

Dr. Goss leads the largest liver transplant program in the Texas Medical Center, performing approximately 75 liver transplants annually. Additionally, St. Luke’s liver transplant survival rate is the highest in the nation, with a one-year adult patient survival rate of 96.5 percent, compared to the national expected survival rate of 89.38 percent. Goss and his team have performed more than 1,000 liver transplants.

For more information on St. Luke’s or St. Luke’s Cooley Transplant Center, visit

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